You know Derek, I never thought of all the body parts at risk strumming with a steak knife. I have used a screwdriver on two occasions when playing my other Diddley. I tried to sneak one of the mixing blades from my wife’s electric mixer! Caught and serving time for that mistake. I’m sure pretty soon I’ll be 9Finger Rick! Not a bad CBG name! As Dennis said beautifully, California Dreaming! I’ll use proper gloves and athletic support in future Diddley lap dances! Thanks for stopping by the Calli butcher shop around the corner my friend!
Thanks George! I’ve used the dual slide once before on a one string 2X4 lap Diddley Uncle gave me. The tones are distinctly different using a glass and ceramic slide. Playing both doubles the possibilities. This is the first time strumming with the dull side of a knife. The metal to metal sound matched the piano better than the pick. Plus it added an amount of danger. Looking at the video, I came close to coming down on the blade with my slider hand. Sacrifice for the performance ha! Playing on a knife edge, I like that. Sharpening up the old axe, you never know when it might be called on! Overall, I see lots of possibilities with this 3 string LPLD. Thanks so much my friend for the kind words and inspiration!
Love the dual slides single-handedly worked across the LDB (LPL). . . Your playing is quite literally, on the KNIFE-EDGE my friend!!! (I just had to say that!!! :-) Excellent demonstration video and excellent sound as well, Richard!!! :-) That three string Diddley board sounds great + those extra strings give you lots of tonal versatility to boot...I can see where that LPL/LDB can go places in your future music videos, brother!!! :-) . . . all-in-all, another outstanding music-video demonstration of an enhanced and really cool Didley board, Richard!
We do everything but surf with our Diddleys in California A.D! Great name and idea you mentioned there, license plate lap (LPL). I’m looking for an assistant in my show to stand in front of a target while I play. I think this would make me the first knife throwing CBG player. I’m sorta a good shot, getting better anyway. I have no intentions of playing with an axe, even in California. Obviously with my playing, I don’t have to stop practicing for dinner, just cut the meat as I play. I have to watch my wording! Like the great words of James O, “crazy is alright!” Thanks my friend!
I didn’t realize I had a high gear, before the “Nationwide “ Dennis! I thought the name was pretty cool because we both are huge ZZTop fans. And our 3000 mile Calli-NY jams. Glad you dream 3 strings! This is an imagination creation sensation. Great job on the build! It’s lightweight and comfortable, and allows me to play a 1, 2, or 3 string lap Diddley all at the same time. Dennis, your way too kind! I’m stumbling around learning these great little guitars and what they’re capable of. I haven’t tapped 10% of the traditional sounds or styles from the past these babies were made for. The adventure continues! Thanks for your wonderful guitars, comments, and friendship Dennis!
Danny, how’s the turbo skateboarding cross country daredevil! Thank for the nice comment, I really appreciate it buddy!
You know Derek, I never thought of all the body parts at risk strumming with a steak knife. I have used a screwdriver on two occasions when playing my other Diddley. I tried to sneak one of the mixing blades from my wife’s electric mixer! Caught and serving time for that mistake. I’m sure pretty soon I’ll be 9Finger Rick! Not a bad CBG name! As Dennis said beautifully, California Dreaming! I’ll use proper gloves and athletic support in future Diddley lap dances! Thanks for stopping by the Calli butcher shop around the corner my friend!
Thanks George! I’ve used the dual slide once before on a one string 2X4 lap Diddley Uncle gave me. The tones are distinctly different using a glass and ceramic slide. Playing both doubles the possibilities. This is the first time strumming with the dull side of a knife. The metal to metal sound matched the piano better than the pick. Plus it added an amount of danger. Looking at the video, I came close to coming down on the blade with my slider hand. Sacrifice for the performance ha! Playing on a knife edge, I like that. Sharpening up the old axe, you never know when it might be called on! Overall, I see lots of possibilities with this 3 string LPLD. Thanks so much my friend for the kind words and inspiration!
Ha, I’m allowed only a spoon at the dinner table. Thanks RTZ!
sounds awesome Richard
Wild drive down the Cali coast Richard. Glad the knife didn't shorten your lap dance-capades Buddy!
Love the dual slides single-handedly worked across the LDB (LPL). . . Your playing is quite literally, on the KNIFE-EDGE my friend!!! (I just had to say that!!! :-) Excellent demonstration video and excellent sound as well, Richard!!! :-) That three string Diddley board sounds great + those extra strings give you lots of tonal versatility to boot...I can see where that LPL/LDB can go places in your future music videos, brother!!! :-) . . . all-in-all, another outstanding music-video demonstration of an enhanced and really cool Didley board, Richard!
Run Richards cuttin" heads
We do everything but surf with our Diddleys in California A.D! Great name and idea you mentioned there, license plate lap (LPL). I’m looking for an assistant in my show to stand in front of a target while I play. I think this would make me the first knife throwing CBG player. I’m sorta a good shot, getting better anyway. I have no intentions of playing with an axe, even in California. Obviously with my playing, I don’t have to stop practicing for dinner, just cut the meat as I play. I have to watch my wording! Like the great words of James O, “crazy is alright!” Thanks my friend!
I didn’t realize I had a high gear, before the “Nationwide “ Dennis! I thought the name was pretty cool because we both are huge ZZTop fans. And our 3000 mile Calli-NY jams. Glad you dream 3 strings! This is an imagination creation sensation. Great job on the build! It’s lightweight and comfortable, and allows me to play a 1, 2, or 3 string lap Diddley all at the same time. Dennis, your way too kind! I’m stumbling around learning these great little guitars and what they’re capable of. I haven’t tapped 10% of the traditional sounds or styles from the past these babies were made for. The adventure continues! Thanks for your wonderful guitars, comments, and friendship Dennis!