The Line - Busking, King's Parade, Cambridge

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VIRTUAL TIP JAR! Line is from my first album "Playing (No Rules)" available here with a GoPRo 4 Silver, last month. There were lots of sudden gusts of wind that day, which kept things can see that my mic nearly blew over at 1.31 and I stopped it with my mouth!I'm playing a 3 string Cigar Box Guitar that I made myself.In the background you can see the amazing Chronophage, which I made a video about back in 2008 which you can see here

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  • thanks Greg and Clock


  • Tough conditions, but I really liked it!
    I'm amazed that the wind sound was minimal, considering the gusts. Nice job recording!
  • thanks RTZ, yes still waiting for summer to start here, wind and rain atm, but looking forward to getting back into flip flops soon : -)

  • Sounds great even with the wind. enjoy the Summer Bemuzic.

  • thanks Nancy

    thanks Digly, yeah the Canjo is going crazy in places!

  • Nice work, Be :-)  You're getting great sound recording for a breezy day.

    I think your canjo has been possessed by Lucifer and is trying to pull the mic over !

  • Wow I would be glued to the spot listening to u sing B~Muzic and tip u quite well!!!! This is hauntingly beautiful! Meowwwwww^.^306449701?profile=original

  • thanks a lot John, and glad to hear you're enjoying the album : -)

  • Wow.  Your already good voice seems to be getting fuller and still holds all the emotion.  

    Linda and I listened to the new album on the weekend.  Very good.   Best yet?  Kind of hard to say..

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