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the Guilligan build

Views: 157
The Gilligan build .. an acoustic, beach / castaway, theme type diddley bo.-The wife came home with this cool tea box last night ,, so I slapped this together .One string , Bamboo , box with huge bamboo shoot frets (that actually work quite well )Mud bead fret markers,… and a seashell for décor .A slider and for lower end fingering .****Acoustic.. (but I taped on a piezo to record this for yas )Not really a serious build from the start .. but this thing actually plays almost as good as my longer time consuming builds .A fun lil beach drag along ;-)Hope ya like “Gilligan “ .And my 3 min tour ;-)

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  • Very cool. 

  • SKIPPER!!!


  • Where is the coconut professor?
  • Banbootastic!!!!!

  • 305836489?profile=RESIZE_320x320305836489?profile=RESIZE_320x320305836489?profile=RESIZE_320x320305836489?profile=RESIZE_320x320305836489?profile=RESIZE_320x320

  • WHO ARE YOUM that ANONYMOUS guy that writes all them there POEMS  (Anon) lol. Cheers, ma man, ah know ye well, yer a good guy, and so is everyone else. byeeeeeeeeeeee

  • thanx jamie , glad ya liked it .  ;-)

  • Is that Spike Gilligan lol. Nice, ma man. Almost feel the sun on ma face (but was just ma good lady gettin "amorous") lol

  • almost called it " Wilson"  ...  but  not sure  many would  get the  tom hanks castaway ball  reference  ;-)

  • Telecastaway seems like a very good name. Nice and unusual looking instrument. Sounds good too.

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