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the drunken-meister

Views: 275
sorry about the lack of lighting.Supposed to be tuned to Dm but as we all know these things have a mind of their own so it's probably Dbm..ish!.

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  • Hi Redneck Recycling,its a tin caddy that was free with a bottle inside it..the landlady of my local gave it to me!
  • is it a wooden box ? and i like the tune and the tone, at first i thought it was a glass yager bottle !
  • lovely. could you explain the tuning, please?
  • The song, and I mean this in the best way, reminds me of 16 Horsepower.
  • I'm overwhelmed by all the interest and very kind comments,Thank you all very much and I'm getting round to replying to you all individually......such warmth from strangers is a rarity today and just goes to show what a great community this is.Thanks again
  • minor tunings RULE!
  • Inspired by the north western weather???
    I will hep you to empty a bottle if you want to make another ;0)
  • Great job. That is some nice pickin', dig those harmonics as well!
  • Very the tone real somber.
  • I like everything about this.
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