The Bonnie Banks O' Loch Lomond

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A squeaky little ditty for the day before Scotland's vote on independence. I hope the people of Scotland choose what's right for them and their future.This is played on a guitar I've built for an old friend of mine. We used to be in a folk/punk band together called 'Fresh Fruit'. I'm playing it through my new Belcat amp with a bit of reverb and a tremolo pedal.

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  • this is really lovely. You play so well. That is also a sweet guitar. This was a great laid back version of this

  • only comment i'll make on the referendum: it's a pity as a nation we couldn't find the confidence to go for it.

    the stats show 73% of pensioners voted no mostly because of the lies and half truths fed to them by the 'no' campaign - brutal scaremongering at it's best:( but the ball is now rolling....

    it's interesting to note that norway puts a percentage of their oil revenue into a fund to pay pensions and help with healthcare etc which now stands north of 1500 billion euros...while the uk? yep it's all gone

    on topic that's a pretty tasty guitar - liking the sound

  • Cheers folks.

    Jim, I'm sure Scotland has underfunded schools, but at least your University students don't have to pay through the nose for their education like they do south of the border ;-)

  • YES  takes the high road and NO takes the low road.

    As long as both sides meet on the level path at the end of all this then Scotland sets the bar for all countries who may aspire to a democratic system. In or out of the union Long live Scotland.

    Nice playing Vjnylhed, a grand old tune.

  • Cheers vinylhed. Nice version and only 8 hours till an independent scotland! Fingers crossed.
  • that's a real nice rendition vinylhed.  i hope it's a


  • Sounds great Vinyl , so many crazy thing going on in the world.

  • Loved that (^^,)

  • Very nice Hedley and fine timing.   I wish the Scots well in their decision.    Then you pick up the pace.  Good stuff.

  • 306348550?profile=RESIZE_480x480

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