Swenson Stingers Nail Pickup soundcheck

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Sound check for innovative new magnetic pickup design by JP Swenson. Called the Swenson Stingers: the single pole pickup designed for Diddley Bows is the Hon...

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  • Thanks gentlemen. 

    Jabes...Glad you liked 'em!

    Brickdust.... I hope you are right and thank you so much.

    Kevin,  The hardest part about making these was finding the wire.  I went to an electric motor rebuilding shop and bought a roll from them.  You can buy wire online too, but I didn't want to wait.  Most people use 42 or 43 gauge wire for pickups.  Then buy some super magnets at a hobby store.  Place the magnets on a nail about string width apart.  Use gel super glue to help hold them in place.  Chuck the nail into a variable speed hand drill.  Clamp the drill to your work bench.  Wind the wire around the nail.   Solder the ends of the wire to thicker wire leads.  Solder the ends of the leads to a 1/4 mono jack.   Install on your favorite git and play!

  • !!! they sound and look fab..well done... like the gits too


  • Can you instruct on how to make one of these things? They seem simple enough from the photo, but still. I know nothing about how to make pickups and have been wanting to learn how to make a simple one.

  • lol  jp   , thats awsome   ..   lol .

  • Hi JP! Yes ,the three stringer (Rocket)  are filled up with genuine "Swenson Stinger fuel",so it can take you far for sure! :-) Kjell and the kids are still here.We haven´t had the chance to get tenting because of to much rain in the evenings...But we have been at a lake bathing one day and fishing (pike and bass) by another lake in the evenings,My brother catched the biggest pike,and one of his daughter got the biggest bass!I got two pikes but smaller weight than my brother!We´ve been there until very late and barbequing at the opend fire,a lot of mozquitos,but I guess we all enjoyed anyway! Moments lie this is great moments! By the way about the thread about the "lippstick"...Im sure it´s nothin even close to what you´ve come up with,If it was built off the same material!And the magnets put the same way,then someone would have heard about a Stinger,or nail pickup before! What youve invented is a great thing!!! Don´t let anyone,try to take that away from you my friend! :-) Tor

  • Thanks James.

  • Pick, your order is ready.  You said that you wanted a rail road spike, correct?   I built one for you this morning.   It should be perfect for a swampwitch guitar.  I recommend using about a twenty pound sledge for the installation.   Anyway, it has as few winds a possible to save weight, also smaller magnets (also to save weight).  It may or may not work.....I don' know, I haven't tested it.   The bad news is, shipping is gonna cost you about three hundred bucks....plus it probably won't clear customs since it looks suspiscious.   Here's a picture for you anyway...........enjoy.


  • great innovation at work , hats off to ya , sounds good !!!

  • Thanks Toad, Ron and Willard and Unc.  Nailed it!  I loveit!

  • Thanks Tor.  U R 2 Kind!   Rocket!  Yeah it does look like it's ready for take off, doesn't it?!

    How was the tenting?   Did Kjell and kids go home yet?

    Talk to you later.

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