Sweet Sweet Sunshine

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Dusty blues dog taking a lunch break from building cbg's

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  • lol Vinnie...Dont tell him that,he will want a raise in his milk bone salary...:>)

  • hahaha......makin yer dog cry...thaat is one mournful  ass cry....good lawdy..........love it... way better voice than I have....

  • Thanks Nancy Kat and Silent Jim...

  • LolLolsillydoggy~Meowwwww^^wwwwww306042647?profile=original

  • Moose says thank you Wes,Uncle John,RTZ,Pick,Clock and James (in a scooby doo kinda voice) lol    .:>)

  • I am a big fan of the dusty blues dog.   Good harp and howling, Harold.

  • 306042429?profile=original

  • yum yum  ;-)


  • 306042263?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • singing doggggggggggggggg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   love it !!!!!!


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