swamp witch guitars witch trials set number1

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The RARE lawsuit swamp witch cigar box guitar “witch trial” #1 .Special very limited edition , only 2 will be made .These large MFC cigar boxes were discontinued ,after a legal issue ,and lawsuits between 3 cigar companies erupted over the use of the fleur de lis symbol on their boxes and as a logo , each claiming they were first , or had open rights . thus making the boxes that already slipped through the sales system in 2009 ish very rare and hard to find now . and pricy if you can find one . I happen to have 2 , one black , and (an even more rare ), red one . so I figure 2 special edition swamp-witches were in order . thus the “witch trial” set was born.Same guts as the regular swamp witch line .Same pickup etc .. just a different body ,number 2 will be posted here soon also.Price is …….. welp , … sorry . they are both already gone :-(swamp witch guitars .site http://swampwitchguitars.weebly.comebay http://stores.ebay.com/Swamp-Witch-guitars

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