swamp witch guitars customer appreciation video

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Just a small tip of the hat to some of the 100’s of "GOOD" folks that make up the swamp witch guitar family .Our give and take , back and forth , and camaraderie makes for gifts in itself all year round .Cheers to you all .(sorry I couldn’t fit yall in this vid ) (I just used some pics from the sw family #1 vid )But you all are appreciated equally ;-) I'll get some of you in the next one .Happy holidays ;-)swamp witch guitars .grab yours here ;site http://swampwitchguitars.weebly.comebay http://stores.ebay.com/Swamp-Witch-guitars

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  • Thanx man . that's just me , wifey and pets ;-) could use some magic elves  , but they are so hard to find .. ;-)

  • Your the best Dude. My best too everyone at the Swamp Witch factory.

  • lol , thanx man ;-)

  • Christmas comes everyday of the year for me.......Why you ask???? Cause I own a SWAMP WITCH that's why!!!

    I do believe Santa liked my photo the bestest  :-)

    Awesome vid AP!

  • cheers Derek 

  • Cool pro video :)

  • Indeed SD.:-)

  • Brings on a Christmas cheer!

  • lol ;-)

  • with 25 bucks in the rickin rackin frickin fracking jar so far  might be a short labour Pick ......

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