Swamp Witch Boogie Shuffle Rock

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Coming to you live from the prestigious virtual Club Monterey. Shaking Rigamortus out of my bones.

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  • Rigamortis the  tortoise no more! Bones were made to move AGP, but I’m not responsible for and sprained joints! Thanks my friend!

  • WOW Merle! This is outstanding! Great jamming guitar tracks, visuals, and serine peace with the keys and the whale, Thanks for the link, I missed that one!

  • Takes a bit to get the Arthritis'y Rigamortis'y  Bones in my body moving Rick, but that one worked!,


  • i'd forgotten about the white room tune ritchie, it's cool

    i tied up some loose ends musically recently with this one:


  • Great to hear you to Nancy! Always enjoy your comments and visuals, thank you! 

  • 306654877?profile=RESIZE_710xHi Richard! Some awesome playing.... good to see and hear you! Meeeeeowwwww^..^

  • Anything I can do to help ha! Thanks Jim!

  • That got my butt moving!

  • I could have worded my comment better Vinnie! My back is fine, I’m back causing mischief ha! Did take a few months off to recharge. Appreciate your comments very much bro, thanks!

  • Good timing stuff,brother ,hate the back stuff,got it too,def make ya get da blues...Love that saucy dirty tone ya got goin .Raucusly rockin.

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