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sunshine cigar box

Views: 113
first cigar box uke build

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  • Wild !

  • BINGO!

  • hahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahaha that don't sound like Don Ho's Uke...

  • good job, nice build and playing !!!

  • Cool stuff.!

  • Thanks Maddog... I owe it all to Radio Shack (for the door bell buzzer) and Roland (for making a battery operated Micro Cube amp).

  • Little Git = BIG SOUND!!! Nice:-)

  • Tab would help I have a nomal uke that I can learn with I can amp it up. I play guit and 3/4 string slide but not good lol. But I like it;-)

  • Give it a try Davey, I start with chords D,D,C,D.  It is easy on uke, but let me know if you have any questions.

  • I gotta learn that that is so mad on a uke.

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