
Views: 162
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Just having a little mess about :)

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  • It sounds good, too! But I wish everyone would take some test shot with their video cameras before doing the take to make sure the viewer can see their fretting hand. Us beginner level musician wantabes like to look at your technique as well as listen to your fine music.

    I also wish there was an alternative to YouTube dedicated to music that I could access from my home in China. YouTube is blocked there and without seeing how others play their instruments sure slows down my progress of self-education. I'm now on vacation and have been stuck on Youtube Videos. Will have to figure a way around this problem. Maybe I'll try to capture my favorites and take them back with me on a multi-gigabyte memory stick, or three.

    I assume that guitar shaped body on Crissy B's strum stick is a solid body electric, right? Or is it a hollow acoustic body?
  • that's the prettiest strumstick i've ever seen!!!
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