Stray Bug Strut 60 - Chapter 1

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Stray Bug Strut ....Chapter 1Setting the scene:Lookout stray Bugs streaking across the drag strip... shane's 4 string reso , bass and tea cup-book bashing late night ryhthm's..Vintage hotrods... in the days before the ford fiesta was fast and you could take your fenders off just to look cool! ....The story so far:Recently rejected again by Simon Cowel (son) (see Jamies mac blues video) admitting..the pictures were heavily faked by Bugs PR man..."Step on me PR" for up and coming chrysalis's ltdBug thinks back to his early life and his first quest for stardom... back to the 50's when he first met simon's dad...............................(fades back in time to 1950).........................Bugs first cut demo is accidentally crushed, by the foot of the EMI's tea lady....Bug's demo is rejected... piece by piece....However later that day at the newly opened drag strip......(Bug is not aware that his usual cut through has been converted to a dangerous strip)Bug sees Simon Cowles dad (A&R man) at the coffee shop, will he notices this small and rather anoying Bug talent and his 7000 songs???......Er.....No!.....Bug now very depressed... Bug takes to J walking the a new quest of running out in front of A & R mens cars...could this be his new way to get himself noticed....?.... But hey ...who was that in the crowd.... did someone notice the Bug..( Maybe, just maybe, he should have played one or two more songs on his swampy first on Cigarboxnation to add to his 7000 songs! )Kat song dedication, for all my greatest Kat fans.....To be Continued.....

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  • Is that Road rage or a Katastrophy ?

  • I think he doesn't like that guy drivin' on the wrong side of the road Buggy~~~~~lol mewmew ^^

  • Nancy thats one cool pic thanks... so i take it he doesnt like Volvos

  • 305899266?profile=original

  • Dude
    Come join the party tour.....
    I will be ya support band!
    We just need Clocks tour bus?
    and were off!!
    Who need X fact when we can do our own
    Extreeme world Tour!
  • 305898214?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • good Kat version... souding nicely Bug Style...°<[:-) [---]==={...

  • 305898598?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  •                                                                                   lol !!!305895907?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • 305895751?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

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