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Stormy Monday

Views: 103
Playing around with National 1133 again. Can't seem to put it down.The more I play it, the more I love the sound of this guitar.

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  • Nice Gitar, nice playin,nice pic, atmospheric. House of comfort?, house of mystery?, house of bored folks waitin for rain ta go off?. House bein watched? House doin the  watchin'?  Every picture tells a story (ta quote), or DOESN'T !! (just . leaves the observer ta tell the story). Was that yer motivation, Jeff, ma man?. Or ya just take a photo of yer house on a rainy day ;). Ah , let's not compicate life any further. But "always leave 'em guessin, ma man lol




  • Thanks, guys. I'm a photojournalsit...that's why you see so many photos in my videos. My son took this picture in either London, Hamburg or Berlin during the Christmas holidays. I thought it fit the song title.

  • Jeff,


    Mmmmmmmmmm. Thasssss niiiiiice. You play it well, and the tone is to die for. Q: Of whose abode is the pic? Nice place.

  • very nice sound you are getting out of that instrument !!!

  • NICE very NICE!!!!!

  • That is a fantastic sounding instrument and very well played. Really nice.

  • Thanks, Uncle John. Yeah, National only made these guitars from 1956-58. They have a funky sound...sort of a cross between a Duolian and a banjo. The resonator is exposed on the back,too. If you move it away from your body while youre playing you get all kinds of interesting tones. I just installed a National slimline pickup (double-side tape) on it.

  • I like the sound too.  You play it wonderfully.  Nice tune and slide show.  Gees, that's a 1956...

  • thats purdy nice  ;-)

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