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Views: 103
Our newest little song.

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  • I placed my iphone on the table before we began to play...I have no idea why it's black..maybe a notebook covered the lens..? I dunno..?

  • ...°<[:-) [---]==={...

  • i turned light off to see better my screen, then i lighted some candles near my computer....mmmmhhh????....

    yes black of that vid was less black but always was great and stayed nicely great...°<[:-) [---]==={...

  • Melissa plays stand-up Bass, I play banjo and Chuck plays Mando and sings.

  • sounds great!...bit dark, so I'm imagining you all : -)

  • Nice job guys thanks for the post.... Who's all on this little jewel doing what? 

  • this is a fine song, !!! well done, like the black video, i done one or 2 of those  my self !!!

  • Thank you guys for your complements.

  • this is the best way to look at most have really progressed as a musician , from rocker to this,......this is great down home stuff , killer job

  • I was just yankin' yer chain about the lens cap Aaron :-)

    I love that mountain sound man!

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