St James Infirmary Blues (cover)/ Tin Can Mic Check

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I just took 10 minutes and built me a tin can microphone from a small tin of heinz baked beans a piezo transducer thing and an input jack. Soldered it all together...burnt my hand...and we're ready to go with a sketchy version of st james.also appologies the mic is quiet, i didn't stick the piezo on properly so it feeds back like a mother fucker. So the amp had to be kept away. :(

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  • Really good job on the vocals! Is that an Ovation Balladeer I see you playin'? I got me one of those, good guitar. and on yea, sweet mic. I tried doing something like that once and gave up rather quickly. That mic sounds great, and so simple too! Great job.
  • Love the vocal delivery.
  • thanks for the encouragment guys, always appreciated :D
  • sounds pretty good, nice raw sound!!.....made me think, I've just got one of those bottle cap pick ups...might try sticking it on a can and see how it sounds to sing in : -)
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