Spring Break Noodling!!!!

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Just noodling around, Elvis the choc. lab and me - on spring break!!!! Using my original "Les Paul" 4 String CB guitar made by Mr Jim Birmingham - which of c...

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  • Mike, I came back for another listen.  Sure good.  Notice that old blues highway cross roads shirt.  Like it.

  • WHOA!   Hollow called it - great meaty tone.  Nice to see Elvis and you and good hearing you.  Lots of human voice characteristics and I always dig that.  Really sweet bluesy playing and sound.   Pretty git too.  

  • That certainly sounds good with a strong full sound. Maybe Elvis just wasn't in the mood.

  • Until i watched the vid, i didn't realize Elvis was at the door the entire time!!!!  at least he didn't decide to do a bit of "business" during my playing!!!!! Thanks for the comments guys!!!!  thanks for the comment hollowbelly - yur awesome man - you would be be welcome in mississippi anyday man!!!!

  • Damn-that gits gotta meaty tone.

  • Ps don't listen ta critics like that old mean Mr Dog (ah don't lol)

  • mike that sounds real nice!!!

  • Dog tryin ta get out LOL, MIke!!!! Ya could not have rehearsed it better!. Nice box/playin, and sure Mr Dog was just wantin ta do his "business", or get his dinner. But a CLASSIC LOL

    Cheers, ma man


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