Sound check of #licenseplateguitar

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6-string resonator license plate guitar- 25”scale with piezo and humbucking pickups, 3-way switch and pre-amp. #cigarboxguitar

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  • House of the rising solar panels methinks, the more modern version perchance. Sweet guitar, I am quite envious now....... I like the difference in pickup swopping.....!!

  • Nice versatile guitar, good job on the build, I think it has everything to match most any need. Effects certainly resonate, that was enjoyable Clay!

  • Great job you did there ..sounds really good .Well done !
  • Sharp guitar and the neck looks great.

  • Thanks Shane. I wouldn’t argue strongly one way or the other. Just repeating a phrase that I’ve seen often.

  • Nice build Clay .

    I would never call my Licence plate builds resonators as no resonator in them . But i suppose every guitar resonates .

    This is just me and no malice intended .

    Nice sound .

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