Some Old CBG Blues from 1930....

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...Well almost... A rare recoding of a stick in a box and a brass slide....

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  • Cool vintage sound injected in your recording, really works with the video and you fine play. Great mix, love the ending! Bug goodness!

  • Thanks Guys and Nancy Kat.. I'm running on an old video programe.. but getting by, just..

  • Ahhh Mr. Buggy you never disappoint!!! Excellent video with the playing!!! Kitty's are not cooperating not loading darn it! HugBug!!! Meeeowww^..^

  • buggy

  • Backwards Buggy. Corny but Good! I saved you for morning coffee.:*)

  • Funny, Buggy.  I saw video pic and guessed it was you.   Yup on the old timey blues - sounding good. 

    They used to have corn picking contests near me and those old guys that really did it were amazingly fast.  Some had horses that would move along slow (unguided) as the picker through corn in the wagon.

    Nice you snuck in the personal shots of you on the bike. 

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