So Lonesome I Could Cry cover

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Big Thanks to Uncle John for sharing his version of this song. I changed it up a little bit, but basically the same and very simple to play.My wife thinks it is ridiculous that I sing this song since it is almost impossible to think of me actually being lonesome. In truth, I don't think it is that much of a stretch since we have been married for almost 18 years and have stayed remarkably close to each other. I'm home alone this weekend so I decided to record the song. Feeling sick from a head cold and a little blue in a quiet house.Peek-A-Blues "Bettie" Guitar with Original Flatpup and Mojobone Works Rod Piezos Bridge.This guitar is for sale here:

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  • Thanks Steve!
  • GREAT JOB ERIC................

  • Yep, it was a pretty genuine feeling yesterday.  Strangely quiet and lonely house, feelin' crappy from the head cold.

  • Yup, to Matthew.   Sincerity. 

  • Thanks James O, RTZ and Matthew.  I really enjoy singing this song.  I play it much better on my 3-string than on a 5.

  • Very very nice! This is a sweet song. Your voice is very nice and you capture the lonely feeling dead on.

  • Sound great Eric


  • Nice version Bad Finger Love Hank Tunes

  • Nice, Clock.  :)

  • 306423264?profile=original

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