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Omar and the Circuit Riders and Big Box Cheroots plus Cookie Tin Drum. Original song by Dave Lynas

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  • 3757828453?profile=RESIZE_710xA woeful tail indeed Dave! Great job on the vocals....Meeeeeeowwwwww^..^

  • oh. heartfelt song.

  • Great sad song. Very sorry she ripped your snow bound heart out. Buy a anti heart ripping vest or a snow mobile so you can chase after her sir!

  • It’s personal experience Daniel... sublimated a tad for personal safety.

  • ....think it's talent........

    .....i can't find my glasses.....

    ....i found the pliers.....

  • Well Daniel. Just look around. Maybe it’s my glasses?

  • Thanks Vinnie. I do like gravy. Fresh, left over, refryed, and aged... I love your latest videos Vinnie. Elevators. Transcendent.

  • You colored the sky blue and the house purple. 

  • Way to step outside of the box...This one is better than leftover gravy..

  • Hey thanks Tony. We’ll have to do it when we can get together next.

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