Smokestack Guitars Double 3 String Quad cone Cigar Box Guitar

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My new CBG made by Von at Smokestack Guitars. Double 3 string with 4 copper cones. Unique and innovative builder from Louisiana in the USA. Beautifully craft...

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  • Sounds amazing!!!!

  • that supposed to say mind.

  • sorry bug, but really dont want to discuss the price on here, if ya dont ming, but do get in touch with chickenbonejohn, i am sure he would give ya a price.

  • over the top CBG just cool .  Check e-bay Bug last time i look he was asking  $500 to $950

  • Mark how much was one of those as I am interested in one too?
    If you don't mind me asking
  • Oh  man thats so sweet, nice playing , Watta nice deep bluesy sound, love the slide., Ive just ordered a 3 string metal bodied reso from chickenbone john, Hope it sounds as half as nice as yours, more vids please, All the best, mark.

  • Thanks Wes, Bug- I'm not sure where he recorded this video. I just re-posted it from my smokestack facebook page (But I do know it was in Tazmania, Australia). The cones are 1 1/4" copper sweat caps sitting on about 2" of 1 1/4" copper pipe with holes drilled in side.

  • Looks like you filmed that in my garage?

    Sounds cool where did you get the cones from? 

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