Smokestack Guitars Double 3 String Quad cone Cigar Box Guitar
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You need to be a member of Cigar Box Nation to add comments!
Sounds amazing!!!!
that supposed to say mind.
sorry bug, but really dont want to discuss the price on here, if ya dont ming, but do get in touch with chickenbonejohn, i am sure he would give ya a price.
over the top CBG just cool . Check e-bay Bug last time i look he was asking $500 to $950
If you don't mind me asking
Oh man thats so sweet, nice playing , Watta nice deep bluesy sound, love the slide., Ive just ordered a 3 string metal bodied reso from chickenbone john, Hope it sounds as half as nice as yours, more vids please, All the best, mark.
Thanks Wes, Bug- I'm not sure where he recorded this video. I just re-posted it from my smokestack facebook page (But I do know it was in Tazmania, Australia). The cones are 1 1/4" copper sweat caps sitting on about 2" of 1 1/4" copper pipe with holes drilled in side.
Looks like you filmed that in my garage?
Sounds cool where did you get the cones from?