Smarty Pants/Dide Concert At Saturday Market -9-28-13 Part 1
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You need to be a member of Cigar Box Nation to add comments!
Great duet, great fun!
thanks for the props antonio, yes being on the outside looking in will change someone's perspective.
i feel this song too Ive been denied from coming inside a few times myself its a great song
Vinnie , that is cool man. you guys rock. what beuty. I love the part, Now we just play it in or living room awesome !!
...°<{:-) [---]==={...i'm back here... you two are so KÔÔL ...°<{:-) [---]==={...
ah shucks your'e all too sweet, its just granny and gramps story telling
YES! sounds sweet & great !... like you both are...i ve to tell you i'was filled with wonder...°<[:-) [---]===[...
just saw the video Vinnie it was GREAT your wife was WONDERFUL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GREAT JOB THE BOTH OF YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice performance Mrs SmartyPants good voice and good backup playing Vinnie.
Nice you two been waiting for this. Thanks