SlackStick Cigar Box Instrument

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This is my version of a most of my instruments, it's made out of a cigar box. I call it a SlackStick. It is built on a short 20" scale an...

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  • Thanks Tres!
  • Benjimen-I have it tuned G-D-G. I have to admit that I was determined to use an open C tuning but I broke several strings trying to get the high string up to a C. Tried 9 gauge up to 13 and just wasn't quite able to get there. I used guitar strings since that's what I had laying around. 10-17-25. It really sounds quite good, if I could find 50 of those Don Thomas boxes I would snatch them up.
  • great man, with that scale whats it tuned to?
  • Looks and sounds great!
  • I had to take the first one down because there was something wrong with the video feed. Sometimes it would work and sometimes it didn't. Hopefully this one will work fine.
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