simple homemade "flat pup style" cbg guitar pickup

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See how easy it is to make a "flat pup-style" cbg pickup? No secret. Except one: I used sheep cheese cans before. If you build your own, good luck! Please find your own recipes and give it a proper name, except "Flatpup" which is my brand.

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  • Thanks Elmar!!

  • Hi, I recall your video too :-) You solder the enamel copper wire to one connection wire, then you wind one coil; then pass the same wire to the other side and turn the other coil. At last, fix the enamel wire to the second connection wire. Some common humbuckers have split coils, therefore four wires. But talking about flatpup style, there are just two as described above.
  • Can someone please tell how the wiring goes on this?? What I wonder is with the 2 coils wires from each side (start of turns & end of turns) attach where? I'd like to give this a try and a web search shows 4 wires from a humbucker going to the input jack..

    Thanks for any info.
    Love my Flatpup I got from Elmar several years ago....

  • A peep into the mad scientist lab! Excellent cheese sound, still my favorite pups!

  • thanks :-)

    @ Erasmo: I am glad the progress is documented here on CBN.
    Feb 24, 2011: first Flatpup for a 6-stringer
    March 2, 2011: first 3 string Flatpup for cigar box guitars on youtube:
    March 3, 2011: Flatpup were cast in epoxy. A rat-rod ghetto born guitar by Harrison Withers with one of those went to Shane Speal I think

  • Sheep's cheese can pickups, Ewe-sually found on a Baaaaaa-ritone.....


    ....Taxi !

  • LOL on the VERY long part.   I will get Eleanor to do it after she is done baking my cake.

  • Sheep cheese cans...Fleecetones(tm)!
  • What wonderful cakes you have????

    My My My Grandma, what big eyes you have......

    And Grandma....what Big Teeth you have........

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