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Shamisen Uke

Views: 208
Had my first craft fair this weekend and this kid came into the booth and stayed the whole weekend playing the tenor uke I built. Since I can't play a whit, thought you all might like to hear how it sounds.

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  • When I first joined this site I remember seeing this uke and was knocked out by it.  Beautiful design, smart, I just love it.

  • That sure is a beautiful looking uke. Shades of the Shamisen vs. Samisen you posted a while back, which is no bad thing. It's a strong look!

  • That's great. Nice how you both got something out of it. The true spirit of making music and instruments.

  • That is just to cool!!

  • I worked out a deal with him. He's 14 and has been playing ukes for just three weeks.  We weren't sure if we adopted him or he adopted us. :)  I gave him a commission on everything we sold. + a bonus at the end of the fair.  

  • Pretty instrument.  Too nice to give away, but I would have been tempted to give the kid a lesser instrument.

  • very nice build he got there, i guess he wanted it?

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