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I have 160 videos posted to youtube, this is the 1st one in the list , it will be a re post here, from maybe a year ago/ 11 months? been in a rut lately playing the same tune over and over and over again, this one seems a little different to me, its one of my favorites, i have done

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  • thank you Beamer Boy !!!

  • Wow 160! It's not quantity its quality but if it takes 50 videos/compositions to get one really really good one then I say knock yourself out and go for it man. This one is really good, roll on your next 160 I say :-) and the rut thing happens to everyone just experiment and try different style, approaches and effects, slow it down speed it up mix it up mash it up and before you know it you'll have a beautiful mistake :-)
  • thank you Nancy Kat !!!

  • AlwaysAwesomeJames!!!! Meowwww ^^305927263?profile=original

  • thanks Anders and Mr bug !!!  green slime? lol . oh mr bug  this is not even close to my first video, i have hundreds, of them !  with that being said though , here is one that is very close to my first video.....................

  • P.S I wouldn't dare post my first video.....

    you need a drum machine to mess with? (and a new pot of green slime)

  • Cool Green Slimey Stuff...

  • thank you Mr RTZ and Crimson Toad !!!

  • Yuppper...Grindin Drivin James Goodnesss !!!!!  Niiiiiiice

  • I have been in a rut for 20 years James. But when i start my page here i decided to do something differant, so I have posted everything from bluegrass to rock. Just try something out of your comfort range. I'm having a battle with a 3 string right now and i'm losing.

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