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This is a fun little video that was created to be posted on a "legal moonshine website". Thought I'd share it with the nation!

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  • Thanks Frank

  • Thanks, I love stuff that starts slow and builds speed.


  • MMMM yeah thats probably true but unfortunetly mine was right,Lol!

  • Thx Ice, John and kevin! Yeah Kevin, I use to be a fan of shine but haven't had a drink now in over 5 yrs. I'm not responsible enough to drink(that what my wife says)== :-)

  • Nice deep sonorous sound.

  • mmmm smooth no after taste

  • Thx Richard and James, James if they catch me somebody can break out their cigar box violin and play "my heart goes out to ya",Lol. Yeah Clockwork, BUUURRP, pass the jug I need another sip a that shine!

  •    BUUUUUULRRRRRRPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

       Das Sum Good 'Shine,  Booyyy!!!

  • thats great!!! looks sounds great!!! great playing too, but your gona have to get the banjo out for when they catch ya

  • YYYEEEHHHAAAWWWW   !!!!!!     excellant !

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