RTZ & The Anesthesiolgist Live @ The Nurse Lounge 1992

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#SAVETHENURSES#1 The RugburnsWritten for the Rodney King Roits (1992) by the Rugburns Covered by RTZ during the Michael Brown Roits. (2014)Yes that is Chigger on the Bass aka. Flea's Grandfather

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  • Thanks Dave thats the 50lbs. OAk BAss
  • Thanks Richard, first time I opened an editor in a few months
  • Havoc in the bass area, watch out for flying objects. Rock to original, great playing and editing RTZ!
  • Bravo! Love the bass crazoid, Wow. I feel better. Thanks RTZ.
  • Thanks Nancy, flashback fun their music has a ton of humor
  • More on the way A.D. found some therapy for trigger finger that works. Played more in past few months then past few years.
  • Sing it out Rtzy...Meowwww^..^ like the band!
  • Can see you needed that! Fun stuff RTZ ! is there more where that came from?
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