Rock'n'roll re-cycling!

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How to make a guitar pick-up from a mains adaptor. Inspired by Isaac on or on YouTube at such a great idea and a perfect example of re-cyclingI will be refining the details and demonstrate a final version as soon as I can. Probably worth wiring up both of the two coils to see if it gives a fuller sound

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  • Think I have solved it - wired up the 2 coils in series and ran a ground wire from the magnet to the jack - it increased the volume and reduced the buzz. Have just wired up 2 coils with separate volume controls and a 3 way switch - tests working well - will see how good it is when I assemble the guitar
  • Hi Brian, maybe it could be best if we could have a chat as that will be faster :-) Anyway just follow what works because we are using weak materials so that may change from one to another and whatever worked for me may not work for you :-S So far I don't have what's needed to record videos sorry but I will try to experiment and maybe we could have a video chat so we can check things ; By the way that would be great if you make a blog post or a video to explain how you are doing to record and edit your videos, what software you use etc...
  • Hello again LBO - I did attach some magnets but as soon as I connected the 2 leads together it was dead whatever connection I used. I will try again as I am determined to get it to work! Have you tried it? Could you do a demo video in case I am being stupid and misunderstanding your instructions?
  • If you connected right, the only reason that could fail is the magnet is too weak, or in your case the
    metal did not magnetize enough. Test it with some screws, see how many screws can get attached one to
    another and to the magnet in the end (like a chain) and compare with a real one to get an idea.
    It's possible the "thing" lost magnetization un time, try to send some weak electric courant (from a battery for example) inside for one hour then test your magnet ; simpler is to re-magnetize your thing in my opinion.
    I noticed the same problem with weak loud speakers, they have a weak magnet, the largest speakers have a stronger magnet, that's why I suggested to you to use a loud speaker (anyway that is a deep idea because the loudspeaker can replace a piezo+pickup) :-)
  • LittleBigOne - I am so impatient! Tried it and I am afraid it was fail!
  • @ LittleBigOne - Hi - I just noticed your wiring comment about connecting the magnet and both coil leads to + and -. Sorry I missed it before - I will give that a test run later today and let you know. I confess I haven't studied a real coil pickup so maybe I shoudl have!
  • That was great eeeh the great car boot ...........
  • Well, I have a new license plate guitar in the works in the has a transformer as a pickup and a peizo tied into it for good measure. I am not sure yet if the transducer is sounding better than the transformer or what, but I hooked up one string on it last night just to test it out. It is a rat rod style build, so I need to do some sanding and some more sodering and it will be done by tonight I think. I am thinking about add a couple of switches to switching things on and off for testing.
  • I made a video last night, but youtube rejected it for being to long. It just showed some testing I was donig on some of the coils. I all ready have a rat rod license plate guitar in the works.....I cut some of the peices out for the body and I am going to use a transformer for the pickup, and I think I am going to stuff a peizo transducer in their for more of a lo-fi sound, that is what I have in my other rig. I just hope I can get over the smell of the spray paint that I painted my body with.
  • LOL :D that would be funny for a video, to see somone moving inside the house and in everything electrified he can see, he sees a coil and a magnet for a soon-to be pickup, then he goes out searching for fresh air, feeling something weird is happenning, and from garage to the street again all he sees transform into a pickup, frightenned, he starts running crazy in the town and all he sees are coil and magnets for pickup LOL :D In the end a background voice calling his name wake up from a dream, someone is ringing at the door, the voice is shouting at him to go open the door, he wakes up on a seat in front of the dining table, full of electrical stuff (like yours) and while he goes up difficultly going to open the door, the movie zooms on a coil-magnet in the middle of the table suggesting something weird is going to happen... LOL :D
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