Revolving Door - Instrumental

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Padron box guitar tuned GBE.If anyone can name that tune, it would stop bugging me to know who did this first. Otherwise I'll claim it as mine. But it sounds too familiar.

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  • Nice one, ma man. The tune is Albert Steidahl's " Symphony For The Devil". Albert was dyslexic, and tried ta steal the title of the old Rolling Stones number (unsuccesfully as ye can see!).  He made a full of himself, but ah've personally no sympathy (or symphony ) for the auld bugger, It s a funny old world, and I can't get no satisfaction ;)

  • Finger licking pickin!  nice work Mr Bad Finger...

    (now add piezo socket, mega amp distortion and some wailing!)

  • Thanks Mike. It's hard to find dedicated time to play. Much to my wife's dismay I leave guitars all over the house so when I get the Jones I can pick one up for a fix. You will often hear background chaos in my rough takes.
  • Nice sound, very smooth, makes me want to get on with more play (learning) less buildin'.

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    Dear YouTube Team,

    That's me playing my music.  Tell Rumblefish to respectfully fak off with themselves.  Here's my other Bad Finger.

    Hugs and Kisses, Bitches.

    ED (BadFinger)

  • Thanks Jeff, Uncle John!

    The only think I can think of is Going to California if you superimpose the vocal melody along with the guitar, it gets close.  Anyway, I really like what I came up with.

    Today at lunchtime I tried adding a proper Amaj and F#m chord.  A little tough to get all the fingers in the right place and keep the melody going on the E string.   Sounds good though.  More practice. . .

  • nice! i dont recognise it either

  • Too good to let go, ED.  Change it just enough.   Let it simmer if you need to.   Dylan would take an old tune and change it up to something his alone.   

    Good playing man.  Be careful with those power tools.

  • Thanks to everyone who took a look and left a comment.  I agree there are many elements from Going to California that are similar, but not the same.  I guess its just a tune stuck in my brain that managed to find its way to the strings.

  • Nice tune and nicely played too. I think you should take the credit.

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