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Reverend Peyton Teaser Video more to come...

Views: 129

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  • Thanks again for sharing. What a treat seeing and hearing the old time traditional approach (2 lines of music at once, alternating bass and bottlenecking the melody line on the treble strings) done well on a fine CBG built by Jim Mitchell of Happy Holidays. Enjoy.

  • Saw Rev Peyton last month in the UK at Arlington Arts. What a great night! And he played one number on a CGB.

    Breezy plays a mean washboard too.

  • One of the best guitar players in the world playing my CBG and I'm talking with his wife about where to eat.....Thanks Rev for setting it up, next time I'll keep my mouth shut...LOL

  • Thats Jim Mitchells build! We kinda show cased Jims builds with Rev.Peyton.
  • That sound great!!!!  More More

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