Yes Mr. Wolfe this is such excellent scenery and playing!!! Quite an outstanding piece~ we are losing 500 trees in the park where I walk to ash bore!!!! This sounds to me like the trees frantically awaiting there ruin~ I wish I could blast this all through the park you put so much emotion into this one~ Meowwwwwww^..^___________/
Getting some good and unusual sounds here Clock. I like the acoustic sound on this one. That music sounds like someone in an urgent hurry. Kind of hair raising.
I still cant figure how he drives and plays at the same time?...or have you heard that one already...either way I got a taste of putting one of these together...great fun good job Clock
Getting some good and unusual sounds here Clock. I like the acoustic sound on this one. That music sounds like someone in an urgent hurry. Kind of hair raising.
You know that Old song Russian River Valley. Nice tune and dash cam vid clock.
Reso and trees, reso and trees
I can see, I can see,
nothing but the bees and their knees
Reso and trees reso and trees and a few bees....
I still cant figure how he drives and plays at the same time?...or have you heard that one already...either way I got a taste of putting one of these together...great fun good job Clock