Red Apple Dog

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Apple blossom time at The Lake. Mose Golly and Old Dog Dave play on Isabela 3 string Guitar, Crosley Radio Amp, C Marine Band Harp to the tune of Gypsy Davy

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  • Thanks Ambrose. Your words are healing.

  • Thanks Derek, thanks Rope. The garden is organized. It’s many years in the making. Like improving a CBG build. You learn from time. After a year or more you pick up that old box you threw together and find several things that could be improved. Like, “the action’s to high to play easy and the bridge needs to be lowered for better intonation”. 
       The only thing now is I’m getting too old to keep the garden up as it was. I need to let it shrink to make it easier to do it. My aching back attests to that.

  • A very nice relaxing tune.  Enjoyable to listen to while watching your video.  Hope your back soon feels better.

  • Thanks T. It’s a tune I’ve played since 1965 or so. First learned it from Koerner Ray and Glover at Mel’s Coffee House by UM in Dinky Town. It’s Gypsy Davy. I think it was the “Dave” that we shared.

  • Thanks Johnny. That apple seed you gave me has come of age. :*)

  • Yup A.D. it was a windy day. I killed volume on most of the recorded video segments but left a few at low volume. I could have done better but I did it very quickly. Editing as well. The hole thing was done while I was in pain from a Bach ache. I overdid garden work. I’m still not back to normal. I can draw though. That distracts me from the pain. 

  • Mellowee and Old timy Dave! crispy Blend ! looks great whit the Booming garden! the mix from the naturesounds was spot on ! but now and then a little to windy ! sorry ! fine build !

  • that was so lovely!

  • Lovely mellow tune and great video.

  • Thanks Derek, thanks Rope. The garden is organized. It’s many years in the making. Like improving a CBG build. You learn from time. After a year or more you pick up that old box you threw together and find several things that could be improved. Like, “the action’s to high to play easy and the bridge needs to be lowered for better intonation”. 
       The only thing now is I’m getting too old to keep the garden up as it was. I need to let it shrink to make it easier to do it. My aching back attests to that.

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