Railway Open Mic (15 Aug 2012)

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Our first open mic night at the new venue. Didn't all go quite to plan and some promised acts failed to show - but that's showbiz folks! The audience was great and applauded every song/act which made a pleasant change. I am hoping we will attract more players in the future. Huge thanks to those who did turn up and hope to see the rest of you next time - 29th August. And 2 more CBG nuts turned up - how cool was that?

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  • Good gig guys great fun and top playing by all;-)

  • nice   save  in my opinion  ;-) 


  • well done boys! (-:

  • Soundin good,,,thank for postin...

  • that is rough when you get the no shows... but it looks like ya pulled it off just fine wish i was there

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