Purple Rain on Swampwitch

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My 3 string attempt to honor Prince. I know Bug beat me to this but our versions are different enough to demonstrate that a great song can stand many treatments.

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  • Very nice Jim. I liked it a lot.
  • 306547972?profile=original

  • 306547208?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Sadly missed great tribute Jim~~~~~Meeeeow^..^

  • Thanks Sammy. A bit out of my comfort zone but it was something I wanted to do.

  • Knockout Jim, brilliant, loved it

  • Thanks RTZ. Those two plus Danny Gatton and let's see.... Lenny Breux, Tuck Andress. Link Wray, ... oh man there's too many to list of the guys who made lots of us see the endless sounds a guitar is capable of. 

  • Roy and Lonnie could make unearthly guitar sounds with just a guitar and amp.

  • very nice Jim I'm sure  prince-symbol.jpg would dig it

  • Thanks J. A bit of a stretch for me but I've always loved his music.

  • Sounds great!!!!!!

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