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Views: 204
Here's me with the "Wacker". I looked around for someone who could play, but alas this was it !

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  • Local yocal talent! There's always at least two people working on something, on any given day in Piedmont! I know, I used to live on "The Island" too... Ha ha ha.....! Beautiful instrument!
  • sounds like some cool jazz brother.keep strummin. and your build is awesome.
  • Man walks into a bar with his wacker over his shoulder..yep it's there somewhere. Sounds good fader. I don't think mine will be that long. (Video that is , not my wacker
  • Wacker Packer.....there's a joke here somewhere, but I'll leave it alone. Fun to build something that can make music, isn't it.
  • yep! yep!
  • yep,you got it.sounds kinda cool,kinda deep reso sounding.
  • YEP!
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