Pretty Paper: 3-String Surf & Turf SLG Cigar Box Guitar

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We play 12 songs in one hour during our Monday Night Zoom sessions from 6:30 - 7:30 pm (Pacific Standard Time). To join us check out the details here:

It's a great way to have fun and learn new songs.

Cigar Box Guitar Slingers - Spokane, 231st Zoom Mtg 12/09/24. Only 1-finger chords, free songbooks here:

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  • Glad you liked this one Kale! It certainly grew on me as I practiced it. So many of the Christmas songs are old (timeless) and regardless of the most contemporary cover of some of the songs there is one version in my head of how it really goes (the one I grew up with, of course!).

  • Such a great song. I always associate this song with Christmas. It's a great of Willie Nelson tune (or at least that's the version I always hear in my head).

  • Thanks BrianQ! This was not a song I was real familiar with. I went with the Randy Travis version since he had it in a key I could sing along with to learn it. I struggle to sing songs that slow, so ... I have to make it a version I can sing and, hopefully, do justice to.

  • Kool, I remember the Roy Orbison version, but I like Willie Nelson's version best, thanx for sharing slinger's laughing

  • CBG Xmas Songbook.pdf Song #96

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