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Not much to say here, except I got myself a new hat. And here it is. The riff is about a week old and I'm still working on adding some elements. Sitting behind me is my older daughter and biggest fan. :)

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  • jus loverly ,my man and how could you not be inspired with that beautiful face next to ya

  • Nice bit of fingerpickin'!

  • Sounding very good and like a good song in progress.  Like that hat.  Suits you and the music.  Cute daughter!

  • Thanks James.  Yep, sitting at the top of the stairs.  You can hear my younger daughter at the end of the clip letting me know she was done with her shower and the subsequent loss of my live audience when my older daughter ran in to the bathroom at the top of the stairs.

    I found a great place to record behind the New England Aquarium where they have a big all-weather tent set up near the harbor.  Amazing reverb.  I haven't had a chance to pop in for a quick recording.

  • great sound ED it looks like you're in a stare well, good for acoustics !!!  one day i'm gonna get the nerve up to get in a parking deck stair well and do a hopefully quick recording, before they come to take me away  

  • Thanks for taking a look. I've always been a big nerd. Now I'm a big nerd with a hat. And a budding fan club.

    My wife has withheld her opinion saying, "You cook dinner. I'm not telling you what I think about it.". Hmmmmm.
  • Nice playing and great sound.!!

  • sounded great....................

  • Nice work, Eric!
  • cool

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