Dedicated to bemuzic's dad. Poor Wayfaring Stanger

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Our friend bemusic lost her dad last night after a short, but vicious illness. We are thinking of her.Linda and I had already done this vid, but it seems appropriate to dedicate it to bemuzic and her dad.Old Gospel on cigar box guitars and tin sandwich. Linda on Lowe cone resonator, DGB, John on White Owl, also DGB.

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  • Nice dedication, first I heard of this. My condolences goes out to Bemusic for her loss.

  • Thanks Owl,   Yeah, that reso guitar really does have nice sound.  I pick it up pretty often.   Lowe cone.   Ruth, I hope to bring Linda along some time and maybe Maddog too.

  • This sounds great UJ and Linda. Next time you are going to have to come to Aunt Z's with John.

    Hope to see you soon.

  • Ron and Thomas.   I lost my dad when I was 35 - long ago,   I wish I would have had him long enough to 'get' him.   Funny, I get him now.   To use a Downtown Vinnie saying, if I see him in Heaven, I am gonna squeeze him so hard he farts.  And tell him I love him.   Something he never heard from me as a young adult.

    Thomas, grandkids are good.  And like yours, my sons and their wives are good parents.  In spite of the mistakes I made.

  • Belinda,

    I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost my dad a coupla years ago. Just remember, you have friends here...

    John and Linda,

    Lovely tribute!
  • The circle of life continues. Grandchildren are our revenge on our children. When they get to be a pain in the butt, we can say, "Here's your kid, we have to go now". Wouldn't give up our granddaughter for anything, but glad our son and daughter-in-law are doing a good job and we don't have to go through the process all over again. She turns 13 this year....going on 20. :)>

  • Thanks for all the nice comments and thoughts and prayers for bemuzic's family. One life goes out and another comes in. She and Dave have their first grand daughter coming.

  • Ah bless sorry to hear the news Bemuzic..I knew he wasnt well but that was sudden.

    My sincere condolences to you and your family.

    (Nice tribute John & linda)

  • once again John ,always setting the bar for us here ,much respect, my brotha, a beautiful song too

    ,prayers for Belinda too

  • Very nice song guys.  Sorry for your loss Belinda.

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