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Pickin Phase

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That was fun! like that cbg to!! Meowwww ^^
Thanks Jason :)
Thank you too Mr MacBlues, enjoy your bubble bath ;) lol
Sounds great!!!! :>)
r Cooken, give yer DAD his tuning back! lol Nice sound, nice pickin. Ah am gonna replicate that sound later (gonna take a bath, and git a bit of the old flatulence, ma man!). Marina aqua Marina (pass the tissues, ma man !! lol)
My pleasure Uncle John ;)
I did too Mr Clock ♥'d it! LOL :)
Thanks Klaatu...Marina was/is my type of gal, the silent type LOL ...& your not the only old geezer here ;)
CooKen underwater ....... sounds like the sorta cool blues Troy Tempest would've played to seduce Marina! (Whoops, showing my age there!)
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ set phasers on stun!!!
(•‿•) hahahahahahahaha...
๏_๏ well, I thought it was funny.
Thanks for the info and tab. I printed the tab to try later.
Meant to add I was in DAD tuning
Thanks James, Sir Wes, & Uncle John...Eyes ah presha tater ;)
UJ, I play direct to the pc using a program called 'Guitar rig', in this piece I used a setting named '2 amps & a phaser', added a stereo effect & some EQ during the final mix in Adobe Audition.
If it interests anybody I tabbed this out{though not exactly as played lol} and I'll add a link to the 'Guitar rig', but I can't comment on it as mine is version 2.0{old} and my antique pc doesn't fit the requirements of the new free version....anyways hope someone gets some use out of one or both...
Guitar rig app here
No affiliation btw ^^^
almost correct tab ;)