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Phonoguitar Blues

Views: 130
Gramaphone soundbox and Phonograph horn guitar,Phonograph Blues - Robert Johnson

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  • !

  • There are more pics a s ideas buried back in my photos
    If it helps.
  • Marvelous design! Thanks so much for posting a sound sample. Have only just happened across these Stroh type instruments, and I can't wait to build one. The excellent sound of yours is encouraging. Such great potential for travel instruments! Should be more durable, too, if there is no need to worry about the usually crushable instrument body.

  • an amazing instrument!!!. Nice old blues sound you've got there : -)

  • Sounds cool

  • Hah!  An appropriate song for that git.  Cool recording studio too. 

    Sounding good.  You are a blues man! 

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