Pennys little dulcimer tune - Rain

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My first attempt at composing/playing on my strum dulcimer. After 10 days of rain over xmas it seemed fitting. This also could be called Swan Song cause now that I have made bemusic happy and posted a video of the little beast it is about to be dismantled and hopefully repaired...

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  • Penny,
    Really liked your song on this cold snowy day, kind of relaxing!
  • Very nice and peaceful Penny. We had a run of rain and then cold right around Christmas also. I did a lot of playing during that time.
  • I have got in trouble from a friend for looking so serious - day when I dont have to concentrate so darn hard and am not horrified by putting myself on video I promise I will look like I'm actually enjoying myself...
  • well for all the troubles youve had with it you sure made it sound pretty
  • Very nice. Beautiful sound from that Dulcimer. Look forward to hearing more when you've rebuilt her :)
  • Nice, great job.
  • Hi Penny, love the dulcimer. I used to have a lap or mountain dulcimer but several years ago I got the ebay bug and sold some things I later wished I hadn't. Anyway, love the sound and the tune. I probably missed something but what's the repair for?
  • sweet sounds
  • Nice job Penny, Hope the rebuild makes you happy- It does sound good
  • lol, think the duct tape would have it's work cut out!!
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