Part Time Heathen - original song demo

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Demo of a new song. Played on a 6 string cigar box guitar I made. Thanks for listening!

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  • Thank you James O, always good to hear from you!

  • AW shucks Ol' Grey Bear you are giving me a big head! Thanks for listening and your kind comments.

  • Thanks Eric! I like to add a bridge to a longer story type song if possible to mix it up.

  • Thank you Korrigan, much appreciated!

  • Thank you Bruce! Wrote this before the holidays. I like building 6's even though they are more work. Good luck with the build and thanks for the nice comments on the songs and guitars. :)

  • Good song and performance Derek

  • There's my fave John Denver sound alike! Brilliant as always Derek. I'd expect no less than great from you though. You're a natural, born entertainer.

  • Well done Derek.... Like the change up..

  • Fantastic song Derek!

  • Great song, and great guitar!  I just got done checking out your page here on the Nation this evening. You have a lot of excellent builds on there.  I really like the 6 stringers you make. My next project is a 6 string.

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