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Out On The Weekend

Views: 103
Another great song crucified!

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  • Another good one. Keep em coming.

  • Something approximating G D G I think... but A E A, or D A D, or any other interval of a 4th will work just fine.

  • Nice job...saw Mr. Young a year or so ago..still has it. what tuning were u using?

  • great playin and singin!

  • Thanks folks. I'll figure out Everybody Knows This is Nowhere if you want it, and I'll give you this in the meantime...

  • Outstanding Rooster!!! I learn more songs by watching you play man, love the T-shirt by the way ;-) Mike's a great preformer.

  • Nice job, Roosterman.

  • ๏_๏ poor li'll song! you big meany! oh well... it was worth it (•‿-)

  • kewl  stuff man   ;-)


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