'Opening the Door' Handpan & CBG Ceramic Body Guitar Music
Views: 132
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You need to be a member of Cigar Box Nation to add comments!
If anyone is interested, you can download the audio for this song completely free here: https://healinghandpan.bandcamp.com/album/inward-journey-2-atonement
Derek, thank you! I was excited with how it came together.
Beautiful Janis! The 2 sounds work with one another very well.
Thank you so much Bluesheart!
Nancy kat, thank you so much! You are always so uplifting and supportive. It's wonderful to know you connected with this creation. Hope you are well!
Mezmerizing! I love it!!
Janis how beautiful!!! Very addicting......your artistic soul shines through with this piece love it!!! Meowwwwww^..^
Nice soothing sounds fine playing well put together