Swampy three string pre cwismas madnessCwismas - the trademark of an unofficial and non existent day so as not to offend anyone that is a bit too religious or serious and completely unrelated to the correct spelt version of a similar sounding but of course not the same, day. No images of an old man with a beard are to be mistaken for a similar man with a similar name to samantha. All rights reserved errors and omissions. Swampy is not a trade name of Swimpwatch guitars as is made of wood and not the said cardboard imitation.
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Always a good video and great music coming from you.
When you're given the chance take it.
Rockin it out Bug, Have a rocking Merry Christmas
...Nock-off copies, just aren't quite the same!
Happy Cwismas Bwexit voters:
Christmas chaos! Thanks Buggy. This will help my shopping experience. Have you seen Dimples?