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No CBG but's original & spontaneous :)

Views: 116
Song based on true facts.THREE DAYS SOBER (The Ballad of the Sober Captain & the Crazy Monkey)Drunken Sailor aka W.M.Peterson (2013)Three Days Sober, Three Days CleanThree Days Sober, No Whiskey No Beer (2x)Captain sailed the Puffin* across the SeaTo an Island with no Whiskey or Beer.On that Island he met a crazy MonkeyHe stacked some moonshine on his Donkey.Monkey asked :”Whatta you think”Captain said : "3 Days no drink”.Monkey laughed, asked : “Are you a true sailor ?If you don’t drink you better become a tailor".Captain slapped the monkey in his faceMonkey showed nothin' than his disgrace.Captain grapped the monkey by his tailOff went the Monkey upon on his trail.The Captain took a sip from his water3 Days No Drink he didn't bother.Captain was glad the monkey's goneNow let's all sing this crazy song...*name of a truely existing vessel on which i sailedwith the (Drunk)Captain.

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  • Thx Steve for the comment ! Chrz WMP

  • GREAT JOB MAN.............

  • Thx Nancy Kat, one Pisang Ambon for me ! :)

  • Hey there W.M. this is great stuff! I love the lyrics and music good one!! Round of bananas for all!! Meoww^^306157500?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Thx Ted, Glad you like it ! Chrz ! WMP

  • Great song.!!!

  • Thanks for the nice comments, great to be back again !  Chrz. Werner

    No, Wolf me not drinkening, just plain water !306157557?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024 :)


  • good song !!!

  • Hey, no cbg!    Good story song!  Feels real.

  • 306156940?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

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