Nigel McTrustry @ The Beechmont Blues Stomp. Cigar box guitar

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FeaturingGary Martin - HarmonicaScotty - WashboardSpoon Man - Spoons

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  • Hey guys sounds great :) Been so busy since my move & still waiting for Gary to do that build for me - lol.

    Got a bit distracted since the move but have been doing a bit of stuff with Bemuzic. If you guys are up brissy way let me know would love to hear you live again.

  • Rock on.
  • Pliff.

    What a great name for a band.

    Thanks to Mark Salo (Master CBG builder) for the footage.

    Sorry about the length but you can go over 15 minutes now on youtube! A mini concert if you will!

    The first song is one of mine called Bye Bye Baby. then cuts to the last song Eye On the Prize/Voodoo chile jam thing.With washboard and spoons! these were just guys who were there on the night.

    Behind me is a guitar shaped washboard. Very nice.

    Gary puts in another great performance on the Harp. Fending off the woman telling him to turn it down.

    So the visit to the van (rehearsal) was worth it.

    The organisers of this event are planning the First Australian Cigar Box festival. The word is Oct or nov.

    They run amazing events. It will be huge!


    12 seconds into this video you can see my cb diddley bow fall off the table behind me then the lid of my effects box. The place started rockin'! i heard something on the night and now i know what it was.





  • can't beat good pliff
  • top work guys
  • godamn bikers hippies don't wash but play a mean washboard haha ,great jam boys  i wanna a wash board too but not to wash with why start now ,so i'm gonna give ya the peace sign smoke a pliff an ride into the sunset
  • I watched thw whole thing,When i saw it was 10 minutes allmost,I thought theres no way Ill watch this much of it, but I did ,you guys put on a good show,and kept it interesting good work
  • cool setup guys I dig it,Im wanting to get a washboard now;-)Just the kind of band im wanting to build,I really dig it.
  •    Man, that's fine.  Saw it was 9 minutes and figured I could do 3.  Listened to it all and may do so again. 

       Nigel did a great job and I am not as good as he is---- , but I would like replace his narrow ass on the stool and play and sing with Gary on harp and that rhythm section.  (No offfense meant, Nigel, I will let you play leads).

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