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New Guitar (Tinjo); made by Jabes

Views: 171
Thanks. jabes, ma man. Nice wee box:)

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  • wa that's a cool tin guit!

  • Thanks, Pinetree, ma man.  btw, gave your songs a listen. Good (one in particular).

  • That was COOL, Real nice Jamie---Guitar and Playing.

  • Thanks, Anders, Richard :)

  • Yeah   there ya go ,, that is a nice little box ,, u play it good too!

  • OK, ma man. Need find original video on my phone, and upload. Ah, you bad mouth Druids. beware... lol

  • stick this on youtube

  • no .i'm no' a druid ,but met one yesterday and he was a bore....

  • jabes, you a Druid?  Glad ya like amp. Ah'll do more uploads wi ma tinjo soon :)

    Jason, ma man, got ta be honest. Its a Jack Daniels plastic bank (wi zero money in it lol)

  • Sounds really good Jamie,is that a bottle of Jack Daniels cough med behind you!!!!!! :) :) :)

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